Here is a selection of maps of Standish showing various information about the community.
Standish Voice’s Neighbourhood Area. The blue line shows the area we can cover. If you live or work within this area you can join Standish Voice and vote in the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan.
Standish Neighbourhood Area April 2015
A close-up of the change in the proposed boundary to the Neighbourhood Area, which was undertaken after consultation with the public.
Proposed change April 2015 close up
Land in Standish safeguarded for future development (agreed land for house building) both greenfield (previously undeveloped land) and brownfield (areas that have been developed for other uses in the past).
Standish Voice area with SHLAA BFGF
The Green Belt around Standish and land safeguarded for future development (see above).
Standish Voice area with SG and Green Belt
The various areas within the safeguarded land which have been given outline planning permission for housebuilding.
Standish Voice area with Planning Apps and SG
Land and buildings within Standish which are owned by Wigan Council.
Standish Voice area with Council Assets
Conservation Areas, trees with preservation orders, public rights of way, bridleways and Sites of Biological Interest.
Standish Voice area with TPO CA etc
A map showing all the above information together.