Standish Neighbourhood Plan – Introduction, Vision and Objectives

Standish Voice is the Neighbourhood Forum for the village and is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan which is designed to shape the future of our community until 2030.

The Neighbourhood Plan will be a document that sets out planning policies for Standish Neighbourhood Area. It is used to decide whether to approve planning applications or changes to existing buildings or pieces of land. It is written by the local community, to ensure the community gets the right types of development, in the right place. Neighbourhood planning is supported by central government through the Localism Act.

Standish Voice adopted a Vision and Objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan, which came out of our consultation across the village, including our survey in summer 2015. Standish Voice devised policies for the original draft Standish Neighbourhood Plan with the Vision and Objectives in mind. The original draft plan was consulted on and a Final Draft Plan produced after considering submissions.

Standish Neighbourhood Plan Vision

By 2030, our village will be a thriving community with an attractive centre where housing meets local need and residents have easy, affordable access to excellent leisure, sports and cultural facilities and high-quality, ecologically sound, open space.

It will be a resilient, sustainable, healthy community where traffic congestion has been reduced by better transport initiatives and parking.

Standish Neighbourhood Plan Objectives

Objective 1  – To improve Standish’s retail and hospitality offer by supporting existing businesses and attracting new ones – creating a vibrant, attractive, characterful village centre.

Objective 2  – To reduce traffic congestion by new transport initiatives and better parking.

Objective 3  – To enhance open and recreational space and access to it to improve biodiversity and residents’ health and well-being.

Objective 4  – To promote sustainable, high-quality housing which meets the current and future needs of Standish residents.

Objective 5  – To maximise government and private developer funding from housing and other developments and seek other funding opportunities to benefit Standish.

Objective 6  – To promote health and well-being within a sustainable community.