Submission documents
The following documents were required for our application to Wigan Council to become a Neighbourhood Forum and to designate a Neighbourhood Area in 2015.
Formal consultation on these documents started on February
12, 2015, and lasted six weeks.
Wigan Council’s Cabinet subsequently agreed in principle to the Forum and Area at its meeting on Thursday, April 23. Formal approval has been delegated to officers.
To view on of our documents, click on a the link below.
Submission to apply for a Neighbourhood Area
Submission to be a neighbourhood forum
Standish Voice: ANeighbourhood Forum – Our Constitution
Proposed Standish Neighbourhood Area
Amended and agreed Neighbourhood Area
Here is link to the Cabinet Agenda item and the minutes of that meeting:
On 24th April 2020, Standish Voice was formally re-designated as the Neighbourhood Forum for a further five years until 14th May 2025.
For information and documents relating to the re-designation, please click here